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October 16, 2023
Autumn Jubilee Turkey Talk Placemats from From My Carolina Home

When I saw the fabulous turkey prints in the Benartex Harvest Festival line, my mind immediately went to fussy cutting the turkeys. I knew I wanted a project to showcase those turkeys, along with the feather prints. Placemats for the Autumn table that would work all the way to Thanksgiving seemed like a good plan.

I began with my 6-1/2-inch square ruler to figure out which turkeys I could get in their entirety with the half-yard of fabric I had.

I made a gaggle of flying geese from the dark feather print so I could set the turkeys on ...

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October 28, 2022
Autumn Jubilee Quilt Along Finish from From My Carolina Home

Finishing the quilt along today, I loaded the top on the longarm for quilting.

I used a pumpkin patch pantograph called Meandering Pumpkins that is perfect for fall inspired quilting. It is designed by Patricia Ritter for Urban Elementz.

The cute pumpkin is surrounded by leaves and vines. The quilting is done with a medium brown Glide thread on top with Bottom Line in the bobbin.

So cute, and the quilting went well this time too.

I found another print that had enough yardage for the binding. I put the binding on the top by machine, then hand stitched it ...

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October 1, 2020
Autumn Jubilee 2020 Begins!! from From My Carolina Home

Wow, it is the fifth year for Autumn Jubilee, and this is going to be the best yet! I never thought when I did this for the first time in 2016 that it would grow the way it has. But, I should have known that I am not the only one that loves Autumn!  Cooler temperatures, rich fall colors inside on quilts and tables, wearing favorite sweaters, and drives on the parkway to see the explosion of color in the trees are just a few of the delights of this season. This year, new vendors join favorite regular sponsors for ...

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October 25, 2019
Autumn Jubilee Harvest Star Quilt Along Finishing from From My Carolina Home

Today we finish up the quilt along table runner, and I’ll show you some more ideas for making full quilts from the blocks.  We left off last week here, with two quarter-square triangle blocks, one on each side of the Tri Recs Star block.

For the Harvest Star runner, I added only one border 2-1/2-inches wide.  Quilt as desired.  I used a leaf pantograph to blend with the Harvest theme.  The project is small enough to quilt on a domestic machine.  Stitch in the ditch and free motion quilting are just a couple of ideas.

When quilting is ...

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